August 17, 2013

  • healing journey



    He finds them -- that's what He does.

    Salvation. Deliverance. Redemption.

    The Healing comes.

    We're all on that Journey. It's happening...

    The Golden Lady is always talking about the Healing Journey... And how everything is one step at a time.

    We're all on a Healing Journey as He takes our fractured souls and makes them whole.

    Lately, I feel like I've seeing it every where, every day.

    Was this always happening? Did I just never notice?

    Maybe it's over a plate of leftovers.

    Maybe it's in the middle making of a million trillion wedding favors.

    Maybe it's in the hotel lobby or on the floor, surrounded by moving boxes.

    Hard questions are being asked, old pains are being faced, old wounds are being cleaned out...

    It's not always fun, it's not always nice, it's usually scary and it is NEVER easy.

    But it's happening, folks.

    It's happening.

     Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;
    Save me, and I shall be saved,
    For You are my praise.
     Indeed they say to me,
    “Where is the word of the Lord?
    Let it come now!”

    Jeremiah 17:14-15

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